Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Two silver linings..

Grim days. Unimaginably vast companies are up shit creek, the economy's knacked, British banks are teetering - so let's give our thanks to two moments of comedy on an otherwise unlovely day. First up, Nick "Cleggover" Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats:
"I can't tell you every step on the road for us as a party, but I can tell you where we're headed - government."

What a plucky chap. What a sweet boy. Bless his little heart. Don't you just want to ruffle his hair and tell the little scamp to take ten pence to the sweetshop and treat himself?

Now it's Labour's turn:
...a MORI poll tomorrow showing the Conservatives at 52%, Labour at 24% and the Lib Dems at 12%.

Just for fun (heh), let's see how this figures would play out if repeated across the country, using just these raw figures:
National Prediction: CON Majority 336
...and Labour wiped out, possibly forever. Now THAT'S funny.

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