Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Don't tell Al Gore...

The Devil's Kitchen flags up this intriguing climate snippet in the Scotsman:
THE last ice age 13,000 years ago took hold in just one year, more than ten times quicker than previously believed, scientists have warned.

Rather than a gradual cooling over a decade, the ice age plunged Europe into the deep freeze, German Research Centre for Geosciences at Potsdam said.

Cold, stormy conditions caused by an abrupt shift in atmospheric circulation froze the continent almost instantly during the Younger Dryas less than 13,000 years ago – a very recent period on a geological scale.

The new findings will add to fears of a serious risk of this happening again in the UK and western Europe – and soon.
Imagine that - the whole continent freezing in a single year. How would we cope with disaster on such a monumental scale? It'd certainly render irrelevant the trivia and froth that occupies us. Even the hugely entertaining sight of Gordon Brown's life's work lying in ruins would be pushed to one side. Though hopefully not completely, as it really IS very entertaining. Anyway...

We already know the earth has been cooling for a few years. Obviously, anyone with any sense (anthropogenic global warming believers are not among such a group, and may leave via the door marked "idiots") will know that a few years of very minor cooling is no more important than the few years of very minor warming we've recently had. A 4,000,000,000 year old planet is very obviously going to have fluctuations of temperature, governed by a series of interconnecting cycles, many of whose timescales are so immense we cannot really hope to wrap our minds around them.

However, the notion of a sudden, catastrophic shift in climate in the "other" direction is quite arresting. The human race is very good at coping, adapting and thriving, and I've no doubt that we'd manage even in such unpromising conditions, although if it were to happen any time soon we'd all probably all spend the rest of our lives struggling to cope.

And yet, it is still possible to find so many fuckwits who believe we should all be obsessing over man-made global warming and knackering up the economy even more in order to "combat it". The mind boggles.

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