To anyone who's accidentally stumbled over this, sorry. If you direct your eyes to the top of the page, you can find an exciting array of escape mechanisms - the back button, your own homepage icon (the one you hastily click on when viewing adult material when you really shouldn't be), even the trusty X to close down this sorry page forever.
For what will follow will be a semi-regular outpouring of frustrated, impotent rage at the sheer towering stupidity of the people who take our money and then do absurd things with it; space will be reserved for shouty anger at those who presume to dictate to the rest of us; and there'll be some other random stuff that makes life bearable. I'll keep the music stuff to a minimum, because you don't need me telling you what to like and I have no taste anyway.
For what will follow will be a semi-regular outpouring of frustrated, impotent rage at the sheer towering stupidity of the people who take our money and then do absurd things with it; space will be reserved for shouty anger at those who presume to dictate to the rest of us; and there'll be some other random stuff that makes life bearable. I'll keep the music stuff to a minimum, because you don't need me telling you what to like and I have no taste anyway.
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