Why not? It worked here - Mrs Thatcher remains unassailably as the finest peacetime Prime Minister of all time. Now, John McCain has picked Sarah Palin to his running mate for the American Presidency.
Although Sarah Palin wouldn't actually be in charge, unless John McCain (72 today) turns out to be, erm, well, not quite up to being the President halfway through his eighth decade.
It's an interesting move though. I'm not too fussed who wins the contest - as a right-wing libertarian, the cloying social conservatives of the Republicans is as bad as the fucktarded leftiness of the Democrats. Rather like when Leeds United play Chelsea, the best you can hope for us them to both lose in the most fabulously demeaning fashion imaginable. Preferably to the backdrop of the entire stadium being teargassed. And truncheoned.
However - while being no Julie Kirkbride, she's pretty hot, so I think I'll go with John McCain. It seems the fairest way to decide.
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